At present, everyone thinks more or less about money earning sites online, but for proper guidelines, earning does not become more. Through this article today I will give you a proper guideline through which you can earn 100% if you stick to it. Read the text from beginning to end.
Online income comes in several ways. Among them I will highlight some important points:-
Web design
Graphic design
Web development
Apps Development
Content writing
I hope those who have ideas about these matters understand. So let's go into details.
Earn Money By Web Design:
Many of us may know what web design means and many of us don't. I am asking those who know to know. This is the website where you are now. That part of
are watching How posts are coming one after the other. Picture is provided. Somewhere banners are used. But these are done through web design. And hundreds of codes are used for this web design. You can see these codes if you want. If you are using a computer, then by clicking on the right mouse button, you will get an option called View Source file.
You can see the codes.
A screen short is provided for convenience
These codes are basically part of web design. Using these codes you can create a website like Facebook or even my website. From where you can learn web design will be told in detail at the end.
Graphic Design: money earning sites is Fiverr and Upwork
Nowadays everyone more or less requires graphic design for online marketing, banners, posters and also for print media. These include billboards, flyers, brochures, company profiles, stickers, and logo designs. We need a graphic designer for any one design. And for this the outside world-famous graphic designers are hired. They charge as low as $5 to $500 per hour. There are some famous websites for graphic design that have hundreds of designers and customers. For example Freelance Upwork Fiverr 99design etc. If you have experience then you can work in these markets. And for those who have no experience in this field, I will tell you about an organization that will provide you training at a low cost.
You can see some designs to know more details about graphic design.
Behance has many designers who are constantly adding designs to their portfolio
Web Development:
Now we will know about web development. We now hopefully understand more or less about web design. Web development is also related to web design. So when you design a website, the code of this website has to be arranged and uploaded to a server. WordPress is a popular medium for web development. You can find out a lot if you type WordPress and search on google. After that, I give away. Basically in WordPress, you have to upload a designed theme and connect a domain with it. By connecting the domain and uploading a theme you have to decorate the entire website.
This way you can complete a website. I will give details about these related courses below.
Apps Development:
We all use mobiles and making the apps that you use inside the mobiles is app development. A developer develops an app keeping in mind the needs of the user. If you can learn app development then you can earn by making apps for yourself using google Adsense also you can earn by working in different marketplaces.
Content writing:
The fact that you are reading my writing is also part of content writing. But I am not a professional writer. But a professional writer understands the needs of the reader. For example, a writer writes in both English and Bengali languages. His writings have a unique theme. The more unique you make an article, the more viewers Google will bring to your article and the higher your site will rank. The more keywords your article contains, the higher it will rank. Before writing, do keyword research about the topic you are going to write about from Google.
From where to book the course:
According to me it is best if you do the courses from online at low cost. I know there is an organization that offers you courses at lowest cost.
Graphic design live classes you can find by searching on google or Facebook. Anisur Rahman Bhai is the mentor of this organization who will support you here 24 hours a day. You can do all other courses in this institution.
The Facebook group link is given below:
Graphic Design Live Class Website: You can register through the website if you want.
Thanks, everyone for reading my post. If there is a mistake, you will look at forgiveness with a beautiful eye. And if you like the article, then visit my website and the article will be published inshallah. Everyone will be fine and healthy.